The Titan
by Theodore Dreiser
— 1914 —
Table of Contents
The New City
A Reconnoiter
A Chicago Evening
Peter Laughlin & Co.
Concerning A Wife And Family
The New Queen of the Home
Chicago Gas
Now This is Fighting
In Search of Victory
A Test
The Fruits of Daring
A New Retainer
The Die is Cast
A New Affection
A Fateful Interlude
An Overture to Conflict
The Clash
“Hell Hath No Fury—”
“Man and Superman”
A Matter of Tunnels
Street-railways at Last
The Power of the Press
The Coming of Stephanie Platow
Airs from the Orient
Love and War
A Financier Bewitched
The Exposure of Stephanie
A Family Quarrel
Untoward Disclosures
A Supper Party
Mr. Lynde to the Rescue
Enter Hosmer Hand
A Political Agreement
An Election Draws Near
Aileen’s Revenge
An Hour of Defeat
The New Administration
A Trip to Louisville
The Daughter of Mrs. Fleming
F. A. Cowperwood, Guardian
The Planet Mars
A Franchise Obtained
Changing Horizons
Depths and Heights
American Match
Mount Olympus
A New York Mansion
The Revival of Hattie Starr
Behind the Arras
A Declaration of Love
Wanted—Fifty-year Franchises
Cowperwood and the Governor
The Ordeal of Berenice
Aileen’s Last Card
A Marauder Upon the Commonwealth
Capital and Public Rights
The Net
The Cataclysm
The Recompense